Safely here...

I drove into Scone about 5.25pm.  My trip taking a tick over 8 hours, which is about par for the course.  I'm staying where I stayed last time I was here for Arrowfield in December, at Portman House.  They are lovely little apartments.  Last time it was summer, and I had much on my mind.  This trip is probably no different, but it is much cooler! I'm tired, and am sitting quietly, and just ate something easy here.  I am not one who is comfortable going out eating on my own.  It's just never been my strongest suit.  But that's ok.  It's Friday.  I had some tidying up to do and I also need to have all my things ready for the morning.  

I start about 7.30am at Arrowfield tomorrow, and I'll meet my "New Boy", Animal Kingdom then. I'm excited to meet him.  He has tremendous presence apparently and a hankering for peppermints apparently.  I have some carrots in my fridge as well, and am looking forward to bonding with my new horse.  Photographing horses is very personal for me.  I like to get to know the horses I photograph regularly.  I think it helps me to bring out the best of them in their photographs and lets me see inside the horse a little.  And basically, it's also because I just can't help myself, because I love my horses so very much.  As I said..  racing, and the horses, is very personal for me...  And that is one thing about me that I am sure will never change. 

Redoute's Choice.  I am so pleased he is safely back from France, and so proud of him for the way he was received over there.  He's a mighty horse and a mighty stallion, and he's one of "My Boys".  See you tomorrow big guy.


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