Gloomy Skies

Today was grey. With an icy wind. And snowy showers or rain falling for much of the day. It was a surprisingly warm night, but the temperature went downhill from about 10am.

Today Evan wanted me to take photos in the showroom. So I dragged my new light stands along, and took them out of the bag to put them together. I have no natural ability to instantly say this bit goes in here. Bit like my lefts and rights really. I frowned at the contents, thinking how hard could it be??? Actually, it was easier than I feared, but I didn't put the tilt bit on correctly. The results with the furniture are much improved, although it's still frustrating getting the flashes to talk to each other all the time, when the sensor is on the opposite side of the flash to the master unit. 

August ticks away. Spring time is not far away, as is my first trip north for Stallion Parade Weekend.


  1. I often dream I can't find my way home. Usually the dream is something about getting back to my childhood home and all sorts of barriers are in my way. I also dream I cannot find my parents (they've both been dead for many years) .... these dreams have me waking up tense and tired.


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