Post Birthday

I seem to have lost the will to write a little bit over the past few days.  I'm not sure that I can explain why. I find myself continually checking my email inbox lately because there's some things I'm waiting on just a little bit that still haven't arrived.  However my trip was a success.  The images are lovely. Dan got me there and back safely. So I really don't have cause to be feeling a little flat.  

Perhaps I'm still tired.  I was so tired yesterday that after the kids got home from school I curled up on the bed with Maxie and had a sleep until my friend Rick interrupted me with a phone call to tell me the date of an unveiling that he needs me to attend.  It's going to be on the morning of Thursday 24th October, just before the Cox Plate, which has me trying to recall whether the flights I've already booked get me there in time, or whether they will need changing.

I had a very lovely birthday yesterday.  And some of my friends were thoughtful enough to send me some really nice messages.  Even without being on Facebook I had 6 good friends remember and send me a lovely birthday message.  One was Peter Jenkins from Arrowfield Stud.  He's just a wonderful person.  Another was my dear friend Angela, who usually comes to the Hunter with me for Stallion Parade weekend.  I missed her this weekend.  Then there was my v v good friend in Melbourne, Mark Gatt who sent me a text message when I was having dinner with my brother, etc.  My lovely friend Kathy, who gave me those gorgeous long Ariat riding boots, sent me a text, as did the fabulous and truly terrific trainer and friend, Dean Saxon.  And then in the afternoon my lovely friend Charo came over with a card and a gift.  A horse mug..  What's not to like about that?  So I liked that they all did this. 

I had beautiful birthday card from a reader, who's just a lovely person, and fellow Famous Pony devotee, in Susan send me a gorgeous birthday card, with a truly fabulous stamp on the envelope!  My mum took the kids out and got me a lovely card, some flowers (it is 12 months since I was last bought any flowers) and a lovely pair of earrings and a horse charm necklace and we had a cup of coffee (with me having decaff, having drunk so much coffee in my attempt to get back in one piece the day before) before she returned home to Sydney.

Then my brother met us for dinner last night, and he gave me (mostly from the kids, but really from him and the boys) the most beautiful silver necklace with a sliver horse charm.  A girl can never have too much horse jewellery I have decided.  My sister FaceTimed me last night and I'll see her this Friday, and I'm looking forward to that.  And I saw and rode Snips yesterday morning too, which I think is as nice a thing to do on your birthday.

And then today I was surprised by the most funky and gorgeous red kettle.  My saucepan is breathing sighs of 'oh thank goodness', and it's pretty, and lovely, and I really like it.  It's from Stuart, the kid's Dad.  And it's a lovely kettle, and it was very nice of him.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll get around to putting some of the horsey images up.  They are lovely.


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