From the archives. Esteemed ABC Journalist Kerry O'Brien at Royal Randwick.

Every now and again, when I go through photographs, I stumble upon an image I may have taken a number of years ago, and not looked at, or never published.  This is one of those occasions.  I'm on a slow morning today, because little Jessica has been running a fever for the last 24 hours, and it spiked again early this morning, so I will keep her home from school today.  And while I was aimlessly fooling around with photographs, as is my want, I came across these, that I took of one of my all time favourite journalists.  He is the highly esteemed ABC senior reporter, Kerry O'Brien, who has always had a keen interest in horse racing.  You could always rely on Kerry, when he was hosting the 7.30 Report, to throw in at least one feature interview on racing during the Spring Carnival.  I don't watch the show religiously anymore since I had the kids, and began watching it less when Kerry stopped doing it as well, but I always liked these images of him.  I took these on Sydney Cup Day in 2008, just before the running of the Sydney Cup itself.  Kerry actually stopped and talked to me, which was pretty great, and then I snapped these of him surreptitiously while we were waiting for the field to load.


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