Of rainy days

I looked at the weather forecast late last night, after not having looked for a couple of days.  My mare Freelance doesn't like getting wet.  It makes her very cold, and she shivers, so when it started raining last night, I glanced at the BOM's forecast for Canberra for Thursday.  It had changed, and was suddenly saying 50-100mm of rain, with a southerly change as well.  Making me instantly think that her mesh rug would render her freezing cold and sodden, and miserable.  So with my first night last night in a month without my kids, I got up and ducked down the paddock straight away this morning, and she's now rugged up for the day ahead.  We've had a couple of times where we've had this much rain in one day (if it happens), one was just before Caulfield Cup Day in 2010, where the rivers flooded and the roadsides were awash with strong little rivers of their own (and these heavy rains continued right through December), and then we had huge rains in March 2012.

The next photoshoot for me is this Saturday, when I fly back in to Melbourne on the early flight.  I will be photographing at Flemington, with the Famous Pony Black Caviar's little brother ,All Too Hard, starting as hot favourite to win the Australian Guineas.   


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