Cute as a button....

I have a nasty habit of putting invoicing off.  Sometimes it is because I'm finishing the job, sometimes it's because I'm disorganised, and sometimes it's because I get worried whether a client might react to the bill when they see it.  

I don't doubt the quality of the work, or what I charge.  Great imagery is absolutely worth getting done, and worth paying for properly as well.  But I was dreading invoicing for a particular shoot.  Then because of a recent event I thought 'why am I putting myself through this??' and thought it would be better to keep my head away from the chopping block.  But this isn't right, so it's going in as it should be, and we'll just see whether I get shouted at.  The pictures were fabulous though, so my hope is there will be no shouting.

These babies were cute as buttons.  One of them we just fell in love with.  I love photographing the babies, they were a lot of fun..

Photo by Darren Tindale

Photo by Darren Tindale

Photo by Darren Tindale

Photo by Darren Tindale

Photo by Darren Tindale

Photo by Darren Tindale


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