How big is too big?

Mark Knight's brilliant cartoon on the size of the Famous Pony's equally famous bottom.  We've been at pains to point out that she's not fat, although granted, she's certainly carrying more condition than we've seen her with before.  It seems that the subject of female bottoms can indeed be a hot one.

The Famous Pony Black Caviar has been in the headlines since her comeback was announced. She also had an exhibition gallop at Caulfield yesterday.  The overwhelming opinion is that she looked fabulous, worked keenly, and looks ready to rumble.  And that yes, she's still carrying that little bit of extra condition.

The Famous Pony Black Caviar leaving the beach, on Thursday 24 January 2013, with regular strapper Donna Fisher.
The world of Twitter, into which I've only just been brave enough to venture (under the name @FamousPony46 for those who are interested), was flooded with 'tweets' (sorry, still think it is a silly term! but I am trying, honestly I am!!!!) of the subject of her gallop yesterday and her condition in general.

This was one comment (sorry, "tweet") that caught my eye as I read through the various opinions about my Famous Pony on Saturday afternoon and evening from the flurry of activity that was Twitter after she galloped.  And it did so with just a little hint of irony, and sadness.  It was this:
If you can put on 60kgs in that amount of time you will make a good wife someday.
What an incredible kind of statement to make.  I like to hope that the capacity to stack on the weight is not the only quality valued in a woman.... 

The most Famous Bottom in the World.
Black Caviar, Bronwen Healy and Darren Tindale.  21 December 2012.
Black Caviar, Bronwen Healy and Darren Tindale.  21 December 2012.
Black Caviar and Darren Tindale.  21 December 2012.

Bronwen Healy and Black Caviar (photo by Darren Tindale).  21 December 2012.

Black Caviar, Bronwen Healy and Darren Tindale.  21 December 2012.
Black Caviar, Bronwen Healy and Darren Tindale.  21 December 2012.


  1. Love your photographs Bronwyn - unmatched anywhere. And I also enjoy reading your blog.

    I was at Caulfield last Saturday to see the Famous Pony and have written my impressions on my blog, illustrated with my less than perfect photos taken with my compact camera.

  2. Great pictures and great post, Bronwen . . . sadly sexism is never far away. :(. Maybe Nelly could dish out a few good kicks where it counted.


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