Missing the Famous Pony's gallop tomorrow

There is currently much being made of the fact that my Famous Pony, Black Caviar, will make her first public appearance since her famous victory at Royal Ascot.  She's not racing.  She's just going to be on course (with a fair bit of hype that perhaps the mare could do without, but we have to expect it now), and she will also have an exhibition gallop.  That gallop might be solo, or Moody might send her out with a working companion.  My guess would be it would be solo.

Am I going?  No.  I will be stuck in Canberra.  I couldn't bear leaving my kids (not to mention packing the dreaded suitcase again), and the cost of flying to Melbourne from the Siberia that is Canberra is jut a nonsense.  I keep telling myself it is just a gallop and that I have had my little 'coups' with the Famous Pony, that nobody else got.  But it's still making me smart because my name is synonymous now with Black Caviar, and my library trumps that of any other individual photographer.  It makes me feel even flatter and lower, and even more at a competitive disadvantage when a fellow told me he has managed to book airfares between 2 major cities for the princely sum of $85 return, when doing something similar would cost me so much more.

To add to this, I sent a somewhat shouty email last yesterday afternoon to someone.  He had told me about a conversation he'd had yesterday.  There was very little context, very few details on what was said, so that left me open to misinterpret or perhaps take a well meaning sentiment the wrong way. So I shouted at him.  Which then made me feel bad, and worry I shouldn't have?  Particularly when I think what he's just gone through the last week.  Which also wants to me to shout at him, to say how couldn't he have wanted to talk to me during such an event????  Which then makes me angry at myself, first because I feel bad about being shouty, and then because I feel stupid about feeling bad about being shouty!!!!  Of all the emotions in the world, there is one in particular which is the least logical of all. 

On a brighter note, my sister did just post this on FB for me. The Age has just run one of my beach shots of Black Caviar on the back page of the Sport Section (which also makes me smart again at missing tomorrow because PROFESSIONALLY I SHOULD BE THERE!!!).  But I will use this to brighten up my day.

I had a lovely Facebook Chat with one of my stallion groom buddies the other night.  We share a little Lord of the Rings/Smeagol joke, and I really like him, and he gave me a much needed pep talk, which included the fact that he thought I was ace, and that he thought my hair looks really gorgeous in plaits.


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