Vale Mossy

First off, I hate writing posts like this because they make me really sad. I have a habit of becoming emotionally attached to the horses I work with. I’ve been criticised for this but in my defence getting emotionally involved with the horses I photograph means I to do a better, more thorough and complete job. The horses are the reason I get up in the dark at Stupid O’Clock and drive for 90 mins to photograph a horse at trackwork or the beach (or drive 1500km to a stud farm laden with equipment). It’s why I run back and forth from mounting yard to horse stalls on raceday, even when my feet, neck and shoulders are aching from carrying heavy equipment. Why I sit for hours researching bloodlines and race records, and why I get up early and stagger in the door after midnight when doing a day trip flying between Melbourne and Sydney, or Melbourne and Brisbane. When I got an email from one of my favourite people in the industry telling me the stallion we al...