I can't boast to be shooting anything of particular importance at the moment as it applies to my chosen profession of horse racing photography. In fact, my camera has sat idly since last Friday while I have concentrated my attentions on the far less satisfying and entertaining subject of bookwork. Yes, it still bores me stupid.
I discovered today that there is a certain filly running at Flemington this Saturday in Race 3. Much to my annoyance this race is in absolute conflict with my daughter's birthday party. It is one of life's real cruelties, so instead of being at Flemington doing my job I will be supervising approximately 13 fairly noisy children at a pool party here on the Peninsula. However the fact that it will be our first birthday party here in Victoria is not lost on me, but it never fails to annoy me when I realise that I will miss photographing a horse that is potentially quite important to me! Murphy's Law will dictate that the filly will win during my absence. This would give me further reason to curse and bite my lip in annoyance given that I dragged us all to Flemington only a fortnight ago to photograph the same filly, only to watch her slip coming out of the barriers and come last. There are times when I think Murphy has a lot to answer for. If the filly wins on Saturday in my absence I will think this to be even more true...
However an event happened last weekend that gave me cause for real joy. My son Heath scored his very first goal in a football game. All those days of playing soccer, never a single goal. I thought he was under a lot of pressure yet he still managed a goal. Those who know me understand it doesn't always take a lot to make me cry. It's a bit hopeless really. I did start crying afterwards though. He was so happy. It was the first goal of the match and his teammates were so excited and happy for him. His actual kick for goal (or was it a 'snap'??) is a little obscured in the photos, but his 'mark' (yes I still want to say 'catch') was clear to see.
I'm trying to stop saying 'AFL' when I talk about his games or training, and to start saying 'footy' game or training, because I'm assured that everyone will know exactly which code of football I mean when I say this. Yes, we are Victorians now, and so you're right, it is about time I start acting like one on this front, isn't it!!!! This afternoon I smiled when Heath came to the car and put his scooter away and walked off with his football in his hands. Then he returned and asked me to practice with him. big breath, but I did kick the 'footy' and practice hand balling. I'm happy to report that I can kick and I can catch (damn, sorry, I did it again.......) but my hand balling leaves a little bit to be desired....
Catches, damn, marks it.... |
Goes to kick |
Obscured, but see???? There it goes!!!!! |
Bless him.. He was looking for me. He said "Mum I saw you wiping your eyes, did you cry?" to which I had to answer yes. |
He was so happy. |
Aren't they lovely to him? What a great bunch of kids and people. |
Heath's goal. First of the match. Couldn't help myself. |
The U15s played under lights. It was a fun little atmosphere and the kids had a great time. This is shot at ISO 16,000 |
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