
Tomorrow is Jessica's birthday. It will be our first Victorian birthday. Jessica's birthday falls the earliest of us all so she gets to be the first one to have a birthday as a Victorian resident. It still feels new enough to be very exciting for us.  I have to admit that birthdays are very important to me.  They always have been.

She's currently outside planting some seeds. Heath has put our new lawn mower together and has also put the weed sprayer lumpy bottle thing together. He's having a lot of fun using it to paint water figure of eights. Maxie prowls and meows noisily, because he wants to join them outside. 

I have so many weeds to tackle. Somehow I discovered I now have to buy some Roundup, which I guess will mean another trip to Bunnings.  I wish I'd known that when I was there yesterday getting the mower and the other things.

This is what we are trying to make for Jessica to take to school, a chocolate chestnut log.  NO pressure....

I have learnt to melt chocolate.  Hurrah for me....

I was Baking Queen today.  I thought I should make the cake I am safe with today just in case the chocolate chestnut log proves to be an unqualified disaster.  Better the Devil I know???????

My sitting cross legged on the floor efforts this morning and afternoon


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