No more sleeps

It's officially raceday today.  There are no more sleeps.  Although I guess technically it's officially racenight, because the Famous Pony Black Caviar will not race until 9.55pm.  I still have the last minute things to do, but my bags are largely organised, although there's still organising to be done for the kids.  

The Famous Pony, on a famous weekend, 20-21 December 2012.
I'm still going over in my mind how to tackle the race, the evening, and the day as a whole.  I know the things I want to achieve.  From time to time my mind wanders sadly off, and reflects upon an intense little conversation about the Farewell Tour I had with a friend late last spring in a small cafe just around the corner from where I usually stay in Melbourne.  I can still recall every detail of this conversation.  

There was a dream that involved this Pony and I'm happy that I am following it.


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