No Shoot Today

Wednesday of this week was our little 2 month anniversary being a Melbourne Family. Ok, I say slightly defensively!!  I count days!  I remember dates!!  It's true that little landmarks and special events are important to me.

I didn't end up having a photoshoot this morning.  What I originally had tentatively booked in at Emirates Park didn't eventuate because they were a little short staffed and the weather wasn't going to be ideal.

The shoot today was really just going to involve tidying up loose ends from our initial shoot last week and these are things we can always come back to.  I wasn't actually upset by this.  It meant I was able to work The Big Horse five days in a row.   Perhaps I should have gone straight home after school drop off and done some bookwork, image work and house work. But being inside the four walls of my house, at my computer, is not always the best thing for me when there are things on my mind. Particularly problems I can't solve all at once. 

The impatient side of me wants to have it all fixed and the way I want it now.  But I realise that I have to take a breath, understand that I can't fix it all at once, and accept that tiny little steps are enough at times. Provided of course those steps are headed in the right direction.  I'm not nearly as happy if tiny steps suddenly turns into charging off in completely the wrong direction with me shouting "I want to get off!!!!" at the other end of the rope.

So this morning I went and saw the horse. It's nice to stand quietly with him, to fiddle about in no particular hurry while I brush and saddle him. If I'm not on a deadline each time he turns his head to put his face in my arms I can pause, and hold him for a moment. I like the feeling when he leans into me.  I suppose it is like having 3 hours to spend with a person who's important to you instead of 1.  On those occasions all of the rush goes out of the visit, and I can just quietly enjoy being in their company.  Horse Minutes.  They have a clock all of their own. Maybe Horse Minutes are similar to Nice People Minutes.  They pass far too quickly.  I hate looking at the time when I am with Nice People (or with The Big Horse).  A glance at the clock usually makes me think indignantly 'surely that's not the real time!'

The rest of the afternoon I spent tidying up.  The Real Estate agent was supposed to be coming over but didn't show up, which was frustrating for the kids because it meant they didn't get to go to the Skate Park and Playground.

I've also spent a little bit of time on the phone.  What's pleasing is the level of work coming in and the comments on the quality of the work.  Word is creeping out through the breeding industry that I am now based in Victoria.  I expect to be very busy come spring and that's a great thing. 

Yesterday afternoon I had my first little fiddle behind the camera at AFL training. Clearly I've got a bit of sharpening up to do!  I don't feel I 'read' the game all that well.  I know that there are photographers out there who can effortlessly read and follow this game and produce reliably ace shots. I know a few of these photographers personally and I always like looking at their work. AFL is fast!! Even at a junior level.  I'm not finding following that tricky little ball with a big lens all that easy. I'll get better at it!!

Heath did so much better in his training and goodness me, what an amazing bunch of people and kids.  Everytime he kicked it or passed it (is that called handballing??) they shouted 'well done Heath'.  'Great kick Heath!!!'.  Ron, the team manager, pulled him aside to begin with for a little one on one kicking and hand balling.  And he's getting the idea of the drills.  What a terrific little kid his buddy Cody is.  He has the shock of wavy blond hair, is bright as a button and likes Heath.  He spent most of the training session training with Heath as a pair.  Encouraging him, teaching him, talking to him.  He's so swift on his feet and he outpaces Heath.  But I loved the way Heath coped physically so much better.  Heath wore his new football boots and was happier in it.  And I have to get him some football clothes to wear for training.  We're getting there though. 

Jessica has had a playdate today involving playing with makeup.  Unfortunately they misunderstood where I'd left the makeup I chose for them that was expendable and alas and woe ended up in my bathroom picking their own items.  I hardly ever use any of it so I calmed the instant tears saying it really didn't matter.  

Has it been a good week?  I think, despite the internal wobbles I am prone to having, that on the whole that it has been a very good week. 


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