Robert Owen Campbell, at ISO 10,000!!

Last night we watched a band, Robert Owen Campbell. I had the camera in the car, so approached the lead member "Owen", to see whether he minded me photographing him. Happily he agreed. They were indoors, just at a local club, without any other lighting. I didn't want to use flash, as it is intrusive and tends to blow out, and really wanted to use the available light, which after all, is my forte.

It was the first time I had really tried the higher ISO range of the D3s, as I'm very suspicious of 'noise'. These images are taken at f2.8, the maximum shutter was about 1/125th, and the ISO range was between 6,400 and 10,000. I used all three lenses I typically work with (ok, the 500mm had stayed at home, it is a specialist lens), which is the 300mm, 70-200mm and the 24-70mm (all are the f2.8 versions). Nikon are right. This camera makes the impossible possible. It is indeed my friend and ally.

The band was terrific. We had the kids down there, for dinner, and Heath, who is very musical, was enraptured by Owen, who was kind enough to let him help pack up his guitars. Jessica stole the show on the 'dance floor'. And Heath took home an autographed copy of the CD, which he proceeded to listen to about 4 times in bed that evening. I think he has found a new hero.


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