The Legacy of Eight Carat: From the Vault Volume I

We have been back in lockdown here in Victoria. Lockdown 5.0 to be precise and as a result it made us go back to feeling like sad sacks. After having seen off Lockdown 4.0 a teeny tiny bit triumphantly, where we saw off both Delta and Kappa variants (evil beasts that they are - curse you stinky COVID - curse you), we had literally only just gotten back to work before being very suddenly plunged back into Lockdown 5.0 after the visit of those very nice removalists. 'Thanks very much!!!!' we all shouted indignantly!!!! A key difference with Lockdown 5.0 was that half the country also into lockdown at the same time which made us feel slightly less sad. The Victorian Government doesn't muck about anymore when it comes to outbreaks. Their reaction is swift and severe and not at all namby pamby. I just wish the same logic would be applied to Sydney which continues to deteriorate, much to my dismay. This week we took our first tentative steps out of ...