The Sale that ‘never’ was. The virtual Inglis Easter Yearling Sale

It is true that 2020 threw us all sorts of curve balls. To begin with, we didn’t take it seriously, never thinking that COVID-19 would turn in to a Global Pandemic. We didn’t think it would reach Australia, or spread wildly throughout the world. But it did and it all unfolded as we watched our TV screens is dismay and disbelief. Never in my wildest dreams did I ever anticipate that all our plans would be completely abandoned, that stay-at-home orders would be imposed, that you wouldn’t be able to travel interstate, or allowed to leave the country. Our trip to England and Ireland was called off (thankfully I had not hit ‘pay’ on the airfares I had reserved and was so close to committing to), the prestigious Inglis Easter Yearling Sale was conducted as a Virtual Sale with no people and NO HORSES on site. It was the first Easter Sale I’ve missed in I don’t know how many years. This is the Yulong draft, shot over a 3 month period, as they originally...