Mighty Mares

Is it the feminist in us that delights when a mare takes all before her, walloping a succession of hapless rivals? Perhaps it is, or maybe it is because we get to enjoy them for longer because they don't get whisked off to stud at the hint of a cold or problem??? Australia and the world have been gifted with some true champion racemares. I'd thought I'd kick off with our current sweetheart of the turf. We are giddy with love with the great racemare WINX (Street Cry - Vegas Showgirl). Watching me watching you. Full frame with a 500mm lens, Winx canters past me. She doesn't miss much. 2016 George Ryder Stakes (G1) 2016 George Ryder Stakes (G1). My lovely Darren's handiwork with the remotes. Mostly I lose interest in remotes because I'm not physically taking them. I've even been known to completely forget to turn the wretched pocket wizard on! Darren's much more reliable and he gets some good images and importantly...