The Good with the Bad

If you're a glass half empty sort of person, you could be accused of saying that this week has been a tough one, if you count it starting on Sunday. That's because we were dealt the double whammy of the death of an Australian icon and person I've always been very found of, in Mr James Bartholowmew "Bart" Cummings, and the defeat of The Big Horse, American Pharoah in the Travers. I realise that these two events cannot be remotely compared, because one involves the death of a person, and a great person no less as well. However in terms of emotional investment, both events caused a lot of people a lot of grief. Further to that, on Monday I received a call from the lovely people at my bank to say that my VISA card had been used fraudulently, and so that sucked just a little bit. However I like to think of myself as a glass half full type of gal. And so it's nice to think that the week is closing out with two more positive pieces of news. One is t...