The Spanish Dancer

It seems like forever since I have sat down at my computer (or my iPad) and written on this Blog. To my regular readers I'm sorry. To begin with I guess things just seemed to be sailing along so nicely that I almost forgot about writing. Or at other times I think just keeping up with everything meant that I was wasn't devoting that 30 minutes or so most days to writing. However in August it became apparent to me that all wasn't well with me. For someone who's always been well, and the only 2 times I've been in hospital was for the birth of my two children, this came as a bit of a shock. But then I guess "The Spanish Dancer", or "The Big C", or pure and simply cancer, is always going to be a shock. I think it's one of life's real cruelties that a girl had to get cancer to get loads and loads of really beautiful and cool flowers. I won't go in to too many details here, but suffice to say that I have been extremely fortunate...