For Bridie

I am sitting with my mare Freelance this morning. I have a precious 10 mins with her before I have to head off to work. I'm choosing to spend it sitting next to her, rather than doing paddock chores. I need her company a little this morning. My horse is safe. And safe is good. Those who know me well understand how much I need my horse. She's dropping feed all over me, which remind me her teeth need doing. Another thing to add to the huge and ever growing "To Be Done" list. I hate that list sometimes. She's getting less feed at the moment because she's not exactly skinny. She thinks this is terrible! And that its not fair!! "Sorry Freelance" , I murmur softly. Life isn't fair at times. I know that. I like sitting with her. I like the way she puts her head in my arms at times. I like that she follows me about. I like the way she nickers to me when she sees Dan trundling down the road. I like it even more when she whinnies to me, especially...