Flushed with success

It's the end of the day. I feel flushed with success.. And sore, having used muscles I haven't used in awhile! I loved riding this morning. Yes, I'm a bit rusty, but Grant said he won't change much about the way I ride and that I ride well, he's just got to get me fit, and of course I'm used to dressage which is different from jumping. I dropped the kids off this morning, then called in to my local newsagent to see if I could get a copy of Sunday's Herald Sun. They had one, so I have a copy of my front page photograph. They had seen the photograph in the Tele and the Herald Sun, and were pleased, and asked what I was going to do now Black Caviar has been retired! Hopefully still see her I said!!!! I then called in to see Freelance and feed her. She looks well, and it was nice to see her, and then I went straight from there to my riding lesson. Grant popped me on a middle sized gelding called Buddy. I liked ...