The Famous Pony just got More Famous

I will begin this post with more abject, pleading apologies, in the absolute neglect of this Blog. I just cannot seem to keep up with everything at the moment. I am still coming down from the high of the past 2 and a half weeks, where I was finally reunited with my Famous Pony, the very great champion, Black Caviar. I've never photographed in Adelaide before, which seems incredible given that I've been doing this professionally for around 15 years now. Morphetville is a lovely course. It has an enormous track, which is actually wider in circumference that the famed Flemington course proper. The staff at the track were accommodating, warm and professional. And the people of Adelaide, and Australia, showed up in their thousands to celebrate the special phenomenon that is Black Caviar. On 28 April, the Pony arrived on course to attempt to break the great Zenyatta's unbeaten run of 19 races. Black Caviar had equalled this feat on 18 February...