Seeing the sunrise with Nelly

Last week was lovely. I spent another lovely morning with my Pony, the very famous and very special Nelly (Black Caviar) on Tuesday. I arrived early, at 5.05am, however the truck had left early as it was a busy day with trials, etc. So Dan and I set off swiftly (without speeding, who can afford a speeding ticket...) and arrived shortly after the horses had gone into the water. It was still dark when I arrived, and so it was a struggle, but gradually the sky began to warm with light, and the horizon began to glow a beautiful golden red as the sun started its ascent. This time I got in the water with Nelly. It was warm, and clear, and calm. Afterwards I gave her the carrots I brought along for her, and we had another little quiet moment together. And it is these moments in particular that I treasure, as she nuzzles my hand and searches for more carrots. She's a special and unique horse. This image of Nelly and ...