On crashes and Ollie Tait (not together!). What's a girl to do!

I'm sitting here diligently this afternoon trying to update my website with further photo galleries. I've been good. I've organised playmates for both kids this afternoon, tidied bedrooms (bloody lego!), and done a load of washing and the dishes. So why is it that Adobe Bridge insists on rewarding all my hard work and good intentions by crashing about every 10 minutes when I'm creating photo galleries! Suffice to say that this is beginning to drive me wild!!!!!!! Not only does it lose anything I was in the middle of, but Bridge then, on reopening, completely forgets which folder I was working in, comes up in a different sorting order, and honestly, what's a girl to do!!! I came across this delightful sequence of Darley's Ollie Tait during the course of my work this afternoon. They were all taken on Golden Slipper Day, 2010, with my 500mm lens. They disprove the theory that you can't get any people shots with a big lens on enormous ...