Fish without the Chips

On the Queen's Birthday Long Weekend, we journeyed back down to Tathra. It was the first trip away where we got to take the WORK CAR! Ie - we didn't have to pay for petrol, or watch Dan's (Dan is my faithful, albeit slightly tired these days, Subaru) temperature gauge constantly to check that his engine wasn't doing anything evil. Although Stuart constantly grumbled about how he couldn't fit enough gear in to the work car (Rav 4), it was lovely and comfortable, and warm and I got to be a passenger for once, as only Stuart is allowed to drive it! We couldn't leave Canberra until Stuart finished work, so it was a late get away at 5pm. We stopped at the Bemboka Pub for dinner. I like Bemboka (although not in summer's, it's a stinking hot and evil oven!), probably because it has a terrific Bakery/Pie Shop, and it has a horse named after it. He was a little grey horse and he won the Stradbroke Handicap in 1980, and he was called Bemboka Yacht. This was during...